Thinking Anglicans

pre-Synod news and comment

Updated Saturday evening

The General Synod of the Church of England meets in London from Monday to Thursday next week. I published a list of news stories here. Here is some more news and comment.

Stephen Lynas bathwellschap Return to Sender [Stephen’s usual informative introduction to the Synod]

Nicholas Henshall ViaMedia.News Is All Well with the “Clergy Well Being” Covenant?

recent Church Times news and comment
Synod members are invited to climate vigil
Priestly formation needs revising to benefit children’s ministry
To belong

There are links to Synod papers here. The official General Synod app is available to download on iOS and Android devices. It is described as “Once downloaded, the app allows access to an electronic version of the timetable as well as all the documents you need to take part in the session as a member. Any changes or updates to the timetable and documents are also sent to the app.” Although primarily intended for Synod members anybody can use it.

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5 years ago

Does anyone believe that the Church of England (with a pretty appalling record of implementation) will come close to meeting any target for carbon neutrality?

T Pott
T Pott
Reply to  Kate
5 years ago

Increasingly I fear the Church of England will indeed, in a few more years, have zero impact on carbon or anything else.

Fr. Dean Henley
Fr. Dean Henley
5 years ago

The Clergy Covenant seems as futile as handing new sheet music to the band on the Titanic. It will make no difference to the plight of the hard pressed parish clergy. The thought of Sergeant Major Welby tucking in his Lance Corporals at night is worthy of a Blackadder sketch.

God 'elp us all
God 'elp us all
5 years ago

Leaving aside for now the brushing aside of some Synod questions, I see this answer to Q68: Miss Debbie Buggs (London) to ask the Chair of the House of Bishops: Q68 Since the launch of the C4 Safeguarding Training for Senior Leaders course, what percentage of people required to do the course (because of the office they hold), have actually completed the course? The Bishop of Bath & Wells to reply on behalf of the Chair of the House of Bishops:A Out of the 1700 people required to complete the C4 safeguarding training, 88% of people or 1493 attendees have… Read more »

5 years ago

I think Stephen Lynas and others are missing one important point with the recent unpastoral statement. He rightly recognises that there is a problem of timing in relation to Living in Love and Faith. What I don’t think he or the bishops grasp is that the world has moved on and just because there wasn’t a huge fuss in 2005 doesn’t mean that you can say the same thing in 2020 without causing uproar. I suspect many people, for instance, have watched some of the interviews Elton John has given to support his autobiography, have bought the book or just… Read more »

Susannah Clark
Reply to  Kate
5 years ago

So very true. The leadership of the Church is just looking increasingly stupid and missing the whole point. Ordinary people ‘get’ it: they can see through this legalism because they now recognise through experience that gay relationships bring well-bring, wholeness and benefit to communities.

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