Thinking Anglicans

Soul Survivor: more follow-up on Scolding report

The Church Times reports: New working group to look at issues raised by Soul Survivor scandal

AFTER the exposure of “appalling practices and a shocking abuse of power” at Soul Survivor, in reviews by the National Safeguarding Team (NST) and Fiona Scolding KC, a group is being formed to carry out further work, the Bishop of Stepney, Dr Joanne Grenfell, the lead bishop for safeguarding, said this week.

The working group will look at ordination processes, clergy training and supervision, and safeguarding and governance in church-plants, bishop’s mission orders (BMOs), and mission charities that have an Anglican focus to their work…

The article refers to recent correspondence between a group of General Synod members and the Bishop of Stepney.

See letter to the Bishop of Stepney.  And her reply.

Some background. At General Synod in July a motion was proposed by Robert Thompson but this was substantially amended by Bishop Joanne. See here and then here for the briefings prepared at that time, and over here for the Order Paper containing the motions. The outcome is recorded in the Business Done report.

Today on X (formerly Twitter) Robert Thompson has written this.

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Simon Gell
Simon Gell
3 hours ago

Many people refused to get involved with the Scolding Review because of the obvious lack of independence, and the ToR drawn up by SSW. Many were very surprised that Fiona felt able to accept those ToR. Certainly her treatment of victims showed none of the understanding or appropriateness demonstrated by Sarah Wilkinson. A real test of this new initiative will be whether those who refused to take part in the Scolding Review believe that any future process will be independent, fair and trustworthy. Obviously if the Working Group is stacked full of the same Church insiders, whose own very reputations… Read more »

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