Thinking Anglicans

The Future of Brexit Britain

The Centre for English Identity and Politics at the University of Southampton is organising a webinar:
The Future of Brexit Britain – debates in the Anglican tradition

This event is linked to the publication of a book: The Future of Brexit Britain – Anglican reflections on national identity and European solidarity (SPCK, eds: Andrew Bradstock and Jonathan Chaplin).

You may register for this webinar here:
Webinar: 15th March 2021, 17:00-19:00 GMT


  • Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover
  • Bishop Robert Innes, Bishop in Europe
  • Dr David Muir, University of Roehampton
  • Bishop John McDowell, Primate of All Ireland
  • Bishop Philip North, Bishop of Burnley
  • Dr Adrian Pabst, University of Kent
  • Prof Linda Woodhead, University of Lancaster

Very little of the voluminous post-Brexit analysis in academia and the commentariat has focussed on what happened with the major organisations and institutions of civil society. This webinar provides an unusual opportunity to understand how the issues were seen and played out within England’s established church. Like much of England, the Anglican church was divided by Brexit. The essays in The Future of Brexit Britain explore why these divisions may have arisen. They examine the extent to which divides reflected broader patterns of popular opinion, attitudes to nationhood, education and social class, or may have reflected issues particular to the Church of England. The essays reflect the different perspectives found within the church on Brexit and on English, British and European identities In the first part of this two hour webinar the editors will outline some of the key questions raised in the book and discussion will explore those issues. In the second part the debate will look more widely at the contemporary role of Anglicanism in shaping ideas of national and international identities in England, Britain and the British Isles. (It is hoped that will be the first in an occasional series of events on the relationships between the major faith groups in England and national identity.)

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Stanley Monkhouse
4 years ago

I am no political economist: I don’t understand the theories (does anybody?) and my attitude to personal finance is that of Mr Micawber. Nevertheless, such a conference interests me from the point of view of human (animal) behaviour in the light of the writings of that great psychologist Evagrius Ponticus (c 345–399 AD). Unfortunately I fear present and future political phenomena are and will be for some time to come confused so much by the pandemic and its ongoing and enduring worldwide consequences that to say what Brexit alone may or may not result in will be impossible. Since 1945 until very… Read more »

4 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I have done chaplaincy stints in Fontainebleau and Aquitaine. We are now in a new day in the Diocese in Europe.

4 years ago

We heard there will be a recording of this provided. Interesting discussion.

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