Thinking Anglicans

Time for General Synod to protest?

Ahead of the General Synod debate on Saturday  (see our earlier articles first here, and then here) Martin Sewell has written a detailed analysis of the current situation regarding safeguarding in the Church of England, which has been published at the Archbishop Cranmer blog:

It is time for General Synod to protest: victims of sexual abuse deserve better than ‘adequate’

Martin refers also to the Singleton report, whose publication we reported here, and then again over here. Martin incorporates into his article (scroll down some way) a further analysis of Singleton prepared by ‘Gilo’.

Although this is long, it is worth a very careful read.

As @His_Grace has tweeted

By giving no prior debate, so little time to digest the material, so little briefing material, and no alternative, the Bishops and senior ranks of the are treating their General colleagues and victims of abuse with some disdain”

I don’t often say this, but the below-the-line comments on that article are also worth reading.


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Interested Observer
Interested Observer
6 years ago

Could you be more specific about the comments? The ones I’ve read looks like the usual cesspit of victim blaming, mixed in with it all being teh gayz fault.

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