Thinking Anglicans

Using the Prayers of Love and Faith: an online colloquium

Transforming Worship (formerly Praxis) South West will be hosting an online colloquium entitled ‘Using the Prayers of Love and Faith’ on Thursday 3 October from 10am until 12.30pm via Zoom.

The keynote speakers are Canon Dr Phillip Tovey and the Revd Mark Earey, who are co-authors of the recently published Grove Booklet Can We Use the Prayers of Love and Faith? examining the liturgical possibilities of the PLF material. In this colloquium they will look at the options and possibilities available with the material thus far commended.

Further details, including booking information, can be found on the Transforming Worship website.

The colloquium is open to all.

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54 minutes ago

It all seems such a drama 2009 following our civil partnership we were prayed for in the setting of a parish Sunday morning service. As we took our first Communion together and were presented with a pair of lit celtic weave pewter candles to light the way on a new journey, only to be re lit when one of us dies so we can look back on the road we have travelled…. sadly that road has been beyond the church and it’s angst

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