Thinking Anglicans

Winchester Cathedral Review

A review of Winchester Cathedral identified “significant failings in leadership and management”, the Bishop of Winchester, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, said today, when a summary of the review was published. The diocese issued this press release, and the summary is here. The Dean, the Very Revd Catherine Ogle, whose retirement in May this year was announced several months ago, has said that she will immediately hand over leadership responsibilities to Vice-Dean Canon Roly Riem.

There are a number of press reports.

Church Times ‘Significant failings’ found at Winchester Cathedral

Hampshire Chronicle Dean of Winchester Cathedral steps down following bullying review

Slippedisc Winchester in Turmoil as Dean Abruptly Quits

The cathedral website has this list of Winchester Cathedral Updates on Bishop’s Review.

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Fr Dexter Bracey
Fr Dexter Bracey
3 hours ago

I’m struck by the fact that there is no mention here of the Precentor. I understand that his conduct was the subject of complaints.

Jeremy Pemberton
Jeremy Pemberton
1 hour ago

It astonishes me that, from the perspective of a church musician, the person who has caused most havoc, sails calmly on.

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