February Group of Sessions 2008

Times of sessions: 09:15 to 13:00 and 14:30 to 19:00, except where otherwise stated

Monday 11 February

[13:00 – 14:45 Meeting of the House of Laity
13:30 – 14:45 Meeting of House of Clergy]

15:15 Prayers, introductions, welcomes; progress of legislation etc
Presidential Address
Business Committee report
Dates for November Synod 2010
Standing Orders Committee report (deemed approval)

Tuesday 12 February

09:15 Prayers
Legislative Business:
- Promulgation of Amending Canon No 27 (Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007)
- Proclamation of Vacancy in See Committees Regulation 1993 as an Act of Synod
- Church of England (Pensions) Measure: First Consideration
- Code of Practice under Part V of the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007
- Clergy Terms of Service: revision stage

14:30 Legislative Business:
- Clergy Terms of Service: revision stage (cont’d)
- Miscellaneous Provisions Measure: first consideration: deemed approval
Casinos: Private Member’s Motion: Tom Benyon

Wednesday 13 February

09:15 Holy Communion
Legislative Business:
- Ecclesiastical Fees (Amendment) Measure (review of parochial fees): first consideration
- Amending Canon No 28: revision stage

14:30 Eucharistic Prayer for Children: Durham Diocesan Synod Motion
Mental Health Issues: report from the Mission and Public Affairs Council
Anglican Communion Covenant

Thursday 14 February

09:15 Prayers
Crown Appointments
International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission Report: Growing Together in Unity and Mission: Building on Forty Years of Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue

14:30 Detention without charge: report from the Mission and Public Affairs Council
Bible Availability: Private Member’s Motion: Tim Cox

17:30 Prorogation

Timetable revised 14 1 08