Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – February 2010 – online papers

Many papers for next month’s meeting of General Synod are now online. The list below will be updated as the remainder become available. Papers are also listed when they are known to exist but are not yet online.

Updated 20, 25, 26, 29 January


GS 1756 Full Agenda
Outline Agenda

Papers for Debate

The scheduled day for debate is appended.

GS 1639B Draft Amending Canon No 29 [Tuesday]
GS 1639C Petition to the Crown
GS 1639Z Report of the Steering Committee

GS 1715B Ecclesiastical Fees (Amendment) Measure [Tuesday]
GS 1715Z Report of the Steering Committee

GS 1724A Additional Weekday Lectionary and Amendments to Calendar, Lectionary and Collects [Wednesday]
GS 1724Y Report of the Revision Committee

GS 1727A Care of Cathedrals Measure [Tuesday and Thursday]

GS 1740A Mission and Pastoral Measure [Tuesday and Thursday]
GS 1740Y Revision Committee Report

GS 1757 Report by the Business Committee [Monday]

GS 1758 Clergy Pensions: Task Group Report [Tuesday]
GS 1759 Clergy Pensions: Ill-health retirement [Tuesday]

GS 1760 General Synod Elections 2010 [Tuesday]

GS 1761 Mission Shaped Church: Follow-up [Tuesday]

GS 1763 44th Report of the Standing Orders Committee [Wednesday]

GS 1766 Fresh Expressions [Thursday]

GS 1767 Realising the missionary potential of Church buildings [Thursday]

GS 1769 Going for Growth (covering note only) [Thursday]
Going for Growth report

GS 1774 and GS 1775 Codes of Practice under Section 8 of the Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure 2009 [Tuesday]
GS 1774-5X Explanatory Memorandum

Private Member’s Motions

GS 1762A and GS 1762B (Mr Nigel Holmes): TV Coverage of Religious and Ethical Issues [Wednesday]
GS 1764A and GS 1764B (Mrs Lorna Ashworth): Anglican Church in North America [Wednesday]
GS 1770A and GS 1770B (The Revd Mark Bratton): Parity of pension provision for surviving civil partners [Thursday]
GS 1771A and GS 1771B (Mr Thomas Benyon): Violent computer games [Thursday]

Diocesan Synod Motions

GS 1765A and GS 1765B (Chelmsford): Confidence in the Bible [Wednesday]
GS 1768 (Ripon and Leeds): Repair of Church buildings [Thursday]
GS 1772A and GS 1772B (Manchester): Compatibility of Science and Christian Belief [Friday]
GS 1773A and GS 1773B (Coventry): Deanery Synods [Friday]

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15 years ago

GS 1764A and GS 1764B (Mrs Lorna Ashworth): Anglican Church in North America [Wednesday]

This reads like a bid to increase the likelihood of ACNA being recognised as the ‘true’ province of the AC in North America.

It would be helpful for someone closer to the issues to critique the claims and opinions made in Mrs Ashworth’s paper especially in the field of litigation, depositions and ‘anglicans being excluded from their churches’.


Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
15 years ago

‘anglicans being excluded from their churches’.

What nonsense. In the diocese of Virginia we have had to try and recover church property hijacked by Minns et alia, at great cost. They are thieves. Period. They are complicit in the proposed horrible antigay legislation in Uganda. We have a phrase in the American south – lower than snake s**t. That’s them.

I also hope that at least some of those who debate this have knowledge of these actions, and also a fair working knowledge of the polity of the Episcopal church. I still read about American bishops being ‘appointed.’

Tobias Haller
15 years ago

Amen, Kennedy. The claims of “exclusion” in particular ring very false; and her account of the litigation is seriously one-sided. She also seems to think that the “Dennis Canon” introduced the concept of trusteeship (not ownership!) of parish property for the benefit of the larger church. In fact, the Dennis Canon simply codified what had been understood from the 18th century. Cases of parishes attempting to alienate property from the larger church had been similarly decided, with very few exceptions, under the civil law, from the very beginning. General Synod should not vote on this without further information as to… Read more »

15 years ago

Amen, Kennedy and Tobias Haller. It would be well if someone critiqued the claims made by Lorna Ashworth. It would be well if General Synod were provided with accurate information about the real situation in the US church. Who will provide it? They will not listen to anyone from TEC, of course. Will any members of General Synod be willing to contribute a paper? I hope so, but I don’t expect it. Right now the word seems to be “Oh don’t worry; lots of private members’ motions don’t pass.” So no one is going to the trouble of opposing the… Read more »

15 years ago

would it help to tell the members of General Synod about the Chapman Memo

this is what this is really all about.

15 years ago

also, it is probably a good time to revisit the best research behind the money and movements organized to replace the Episcopal Church. Jim Naughton’s excellent research write-up (“Following the Money,” hosted on the website of the Diocese of Washington) is essential reading for anyone preparing for this debate. While it is old news to most readers here, perhaps most of the voting members of General Synod may not realize the complex links and plans that have been in place for this vote. The vote in England this February is one of the major end goals of the schismatic groups… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“We will also have an opportunity to quiz such Anglicans at a meeting hosted by the Bishops of Winchester, Exeter and Blackburn on Tuesday 9th at lunchtime.” – Lorna Ashworth, Member G.S. – Having already said that her Private Member’s Bill is entirely her own work, Ms. Ashworth here gives us some idea of other influential G.S. Members who may have been some of the primary ionformants behind her Motion. Her misguided and impertinent assertion that the only ‘loyal Anglicans’ are those who have already declared their schism from the current Provincial representatvies in North America of the Anglican Communion… Read more »

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