Thinking Anglicans

Nineteen Anglican bishops meet in Dar Es Salaam

There is a press release, Anglican Communion bishops: “We really need one another. We are stronger together than apart.” Full text below the fold.

And there is a statement A Testimony of Grace from the Consultation of Bishops in Dialogue, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Full text here.

Copies also available at ACNS here.


From February 24 to 27 2011, nineteen bishops of the Anglican Communion met in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania. The Provinces represented were: Botswana, Burundi, Canada, England, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Southern Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, and the United States. This meeting had its origins in the Lambeth Conference of 2008, at which some significant partnership relationships and commitment to further dialogue had been made.

In a context undergirded by worship, bishops shared testimonies from their partnership mission and dialogue work, and together visited local projects in education and community service. The group is grateful to the Primate of Tanzania, Archbishop Valentino Mokiwa, the MEA Foundation and St. Augustine’s Primary School for their warm welcome.

These bishops have been engaged in a process of patient and holy listening. Some diocesan partnerships have been involved in dialogue about human sexuality prior to the meeting and these continue. The present context of conflict in the wider Anglican Communion around issues of human sexuality has presented the opportunity to renew commitments to each other: these Church leaders have chosen to turn to one another within the Body of Christ. The know one another to be and trust each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The bishops reflected on the legacies of collusion in the slave trade, and encourage the Communion to work on dialogue and reconciliation in relation to slavery. They also witnessed the positive impact of global Anglican partnership in visits with the MEA Foundation and St. Augustine’s diocesan primary school, meeting students, orphans, those in need of health care and those dying of AIDS. They mourn the impact of the economic crisis on these ministries, some of which will no longer exist after this year.

Commending the experience of such dialogue-in-partnership and encouraging other bishops to take on such initiatives, the bishops at Dar es Salaam offer a “Testimony of Grace” to the wider Church. This statement is appended to this Press Release.

For further information, contact the bishops noted below, or Canon Isaac Kawuki Mukasa ( or the Rev’d Eileen Scully ( for further information.
The Rt. Rev’d Michael Bird Niagara
The Rt. Rev’d George Bruce Ontario
The Rt. Rev’d John Chapman Ottawa
The Rt. Rev’d Garth Counsell Cape Town
The Rt. Rev’d Terry Dance Huron
The Rt. Rev’d Mary Gray-Reeves El Camino Real
The Rt. Rev’d Michael Ingham New Westminster
The Most Rev’d Colin Johnson Toronto
The Rt. Rev’d Shannon Johnston Virginia
The Rt. Rev’d Julius Kalu Mombasa
The Rt. Rev’d Sixbert Macumi Buye
The Rt. Rev’d Sadock Makaya Western Tanganyika
The Rt. Rev’d Mdimi Mhogolo Central Tanganyika
The Rt. Rev’d Gerard Mpango Western Tanganyika
The Rt. Rev’d Musonda Mwamba Botswana
The Rt. Rev’d Michael Perham Gloucester
The Rt. Rev’d Anthony Poggo Kajo Keji
The Rt. Rev’d Daniel Sarfo Kumasi
The Rt. Rev’d James Tengatenga Southern Malawi

The Rev’d Canon Dr. Isaac Kawuki Mukasa, Coordinator for Dialogue, Anglican Church of Canada
The Rev’d Dr. Eileen Scully, Interim Director of Faith, Worship and Ministry, Anglican Church of Canada

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Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
13 years ago

6 of the 19 bishops, and the 2 staff, Canadian.

I think at times like these, sensible Canadian voices are needed more than ever.

Father Ron Smith
13 years ago

Many of us who are not impressed by the isolating culture of GAFCON and the ‘Jerusalem Document’ have been waiting for such an initiative as this – which opens up the possibility of a Communion of churches willing to meet together in Love and Openness towards a Future in the Church that is viable and Gospel-oriented. The alternative that had been offered by GAFCON was stricken by the deadly culture of elitism – which fundamentalist christianity unfortunately presents as the authentic face of the Gospel. The ‘Failure of Nerve’ that has so often afflicted the Christian enterprise in the past… Read more »

13 years ago

I think it’s saying something, that this DIVERSE group of bishops met, in the place that the AC Primates were (in early 2007, IIRC) at their MOST exclusive and reactionary and ultimatum-demanding. Perhaps declarations of the Death of the Anglican Communion have been grossly exaggerated?

[“In a context undergirded by worship”: Holy Communion, received by ALL attending the meeting, I hope?]

Eileen Scully
Eileen Scully
13 years ago

Eucharist? Yes, of course, participated in fully, enthusiastically, prayerfully and happily by all, both in the
Daily celebrations of the eucharist within the group, and together with the cathedral parish community on Sunday morning, where the whole group was welcomed and brought to the front each by name for special welcome. The whole group was very warmly received both by cathedral staff and by the community. Thus truly was a work and grace if Communion and communion building. – Eileen Scully, one of two staff to the meeting, with Canon Isaac Kawuki Mukasa.

Malcolm French+
Malcolm French+
13 years ago

Not a primate among the lot. (Johnson of Toronto is Metropolitan of an internal province.)

Of the six Canadians, I gather five are seen as liberals. Four of the dioceses have or are in the process of implementing a process to bless same sex civil marriages.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
13 years ago

Bp.. Shannon Johnston of Dio of VA is good spokesman for what I would call steady progressives. Last year he arranged a number of listening sessions on blessing s/s unions throughout the diocese. These were well organized around a few questions, w/rules for good discussion [no cross-talk, “I” statements etc. All resonses were recorded and collated. He had appointed a study group on blessing s/s unions, and at Annual Council, they moved that the Bp. be urged to prepare a ‘gracious pastoral response’ for those parishes which have been preparing for this. It passed overwhelmingly. He had also called for… Read more »

13 years ago

“Eucharist? Yes, of course, participated in fully, enthusiastically, prayerfully and happily by all”

I just WISH I didn’t have to ask. With the past recent history of AC events, sadly one couldn’t assume. May a Better Day be coming (again)!

Thanks, Eileen! [I mean, seriously: THANK YOU! :-)]

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