Thinking Anglicans

plans for a new North American province

Updated Monday afternoon

The Living Church reports in Convention Planned to Form New Anglican Province by Steve Waring that:

When the Diocese of Fort Worth voted Nov. 15 to become the fourth American diocese to leave The Episcopal Church, the leadership of the Common Cause Partnership (CCP) scheduled a constitutional convention in the Chicago area Dec. 3 to form a new North American Anglican province. The event will be followed by “a province-by-province visitation and appeal for recognition of the separate ecclesiastical structure in North America.”

Significant details about the plan were revealed in a short AnglicanTV internet video clip containing remarks delivered by Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh and Bishop Bill Murdoch, a missionary bishop to the U.S. consecrated by the Anglican Church of Kenya…

The video clip can be found here.

Monday afternoon update

And now, here comes the press release, Anglican Leaders seek to unite North American Churches.

Draft Constitution to be Unveiled, Jerusalem Declaration Signed at Dec. 3 Chicago Gathering

WHEATON, IL, Nov. 14 — Leaders of the Common Cause Partnership, a federation of more than 100,000 Anglican Christians in North America, will release to the public on the evening of Dec. 3 the draft constitution of an emerging Anglican C–hurch in North America, formally subscribe to the Jerusalem Declaration of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and affirm the GAFCON Statement on the Global Anglican Future at an evening worship celebration in suburban Chicago.

This historic event comes in the wake of GAFCON held in Israel last June with leaders from more than one-half of the world’s 77 million Anglicans. At the close of that gathering, Anglican leaders released the Jerusalem Declaration and the GAFCON Statement on the Global Anglican Future, which outlined their Christian beliefs and goals to reform, heal and revitalize the Anglican Communion worldwide…

Mark Harris writes about NIGPNA here with some coloured maps.


still more reports on Fort Worth

Updated twice Monday afternoon

Bishop Jack Iker issued this statement to be read in parishes yesterday.

Katie Sherrod has detailed comments on it here.

The Presiding Bishop of the Southern Cone issued this statement of greeting to Fort Worth.

The official report of the convention voting results is here.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has another news report, After Fort Worth Diocese breakaway, area Episcopalians were back in church Sunday by Terry Lee Goodrich.

Monday afternoon updates
George Conger reports for Religious Intelligence Fort Worth votes to secede from Episcopal Church.

Mark Harris has some analysis of the press conference, at Bishop Iker asks some questions, doesn’t answer others.


more reports of NEAC

Updated Monday afternoon

The resolution considered at NEAC is given in this report. See also this thread on Fulcrum for more about the procedural aspects.


Keith Sinclair

Pete Broadbent

Chris Sugden

The presentation by Christina Baxter is awaited.

Meanwhile, Graham Kings has written an analysis, which appears on Comment is free as What would Wilberforce do? and also on Fulcrum where it is titled The Restoration of Evangelicalism: Differences without Division.


reports of NEAC

Jonathan Wynne-Jones reported for the Telegraph that Anglican Church lacks leadership, say bishops.

In a speech to conservative evangelicals, who debated proposals for a new “church within a church”, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali said that there has been a lack of discipline.
Traditionalists have been upset that the Episcopal Church escaped punishment despite consecrating Gene Robinson as Anglicanism’s first openly gay bishop.
The Bishop of Rochester told clergy that the new movement was equivalent to the Reformation in the sixteenth century, which led to the establishment of the Church of England…

And Agence France-Presse has a report Church of England Evangelicals dodge homosexuality vote.

Church of England Evangelicals meeting on Saturday refused to vote to establish their position on homosexuality — an issue that has caused deep splits within the worldwide Anglican communion.

The Church of England Evangelical Council met in central London but the 300 attendees declined an opportunity to vote.

“The opinions expressed were a wide range of opinions,” said The Reverend Doctor Richard Turnbull, chairman of the Church of England Evangelical Council.

“People decided that they didn’t actually want to vote on a resolution. The disadvantage of that is you then don’t exactly know what people think.”

The council meets again on December 4…

There is further information about the meeting at Fulcrum see here, and also here.

And now there is also a report there, by Wim Houtman, NEAC 2008: a Evangelical Dutch Report.


more reports on Fort Worth

Updated Sunday evening

The New York Times has Diocese in Texas Leaves Episcopal Church by Gretel C Kovach.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has Fort Worth Episcopal Diocese votes to dissociate from national church by Terry Lee Goodrich.

Associated Press has Fort Worth is 4th Episcopal diocese to break away by Rachel Zoll.

And the Dallas Morning News has a later version of its report, Fort Worth Diocese splits from Episcopal Church.

For earlier news reports see previous article.

A statement by The Steering Committee North Texas Episcopalians can be found here.

A statement by Fort Worth Via Media can be found here.

Sunday evening update

There is a transcript of the press conference here.


Fort Worth decides

Updated again later Saturday evening

Quite a bit of press coverage in advance of today’s voting by the Diocese of Fort Worth.

Earlier reports here.

Agenda information here.

Houston Chronicle Fort Worth Episcopals set to leave national church

Dallas News Fort Worth Diocese to officially split from Episcopal Church today over social issues

Wichita Falls Times Record News Episcopalian realignment vote will affect local church properties

Religious Intelligence Fort Worth on verge of secession

Saturday evening update

Associated Press Fort Worth Is 4th Episcopal Diocese to Break Away

Dallas Morning News Fort Worth Diocese officially breaks away from Episcopal Church

The bishop’s address is published in full here.

Statement of delegates who will remain in TEC

The detailed results of the voting on the various resolutions are available from Katie Sherrod, see here.

Later Updates

Statement by the Presiding Bishop

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Fort Worth Episcopal Diocese votes to leave mother church

Living Church Fort Worth Convention Joins the Southern Cone

Episcopal News Service Fort Worth delegates vote to leave Episcopal Church, realign with Southern Cone
This report by Pat McCaughan is comprehensive.

And there is an earlier version with other detail, here.

Locations of those who are not leaving The Episcopal Church are listed here and here.


this week's opinion collection

Geoffrey Rowell writes in The Times, The moral integrity that makes for a powerful speech.

George Pitcher writes in the Telegraph, The Prince of Wales must keep the faith.

Nick Jowett writes in the Guardian about Baron Friedrich von Hügel.

Earlier this week, Giles Fraser wrote in the Guardian about Proposition 8 in California, Sanctified discrimination.

Yesterday, in the Church Times he wrote Forces buck the me-first trend.

At Comment is free Belief the Question is Should we fight war to end wars? Those responding include Jonathan Bartley, see Redemptive violence is a myth, and Alan Wilson, see Crusading gives me the creeps. So does Valhalla.

And thanks to both Alan Wilson and David Keen, for linking to How To Actually Talk To Atheists (If You’re Christian) by Joe the Peacock.



Tomorrow, there is a meeting, the National Evangelical Anglican Consultation 2008, organised by the Church of England Evangelical Council. There are a number of articles about this already published.

The programme is here.

This week’s Church of England Newspaper has Preventing CEEC from becoming a ‘Rump Parliament’ by Stephen Kuhrt.

John Richardson has responded here to that article.

This week’s Church Times has Is NEAC5 really representative? by Graham Kings, currently subscription-only, but another copy is available here at Fulcrum.

Also, Andrew Goddard wrote Hopes for NEAC 2008: A Personal Reflection.


Fred Hiltz writes

Below the fold, there is the full text of a memorandum written to the Canadian House of Bishops in October 2008 by the Primate of Canada, Archbishop Fred Hiltz.

Part of this text was quoted in the statement issued by the Canadian House of Bishops on 31 October.



Write in Support of Women as Bishops

From the latest InclusiveChurch newsletter (available as PDF here) and online here.

Write NOW in Support of Women Bishops

(There is still work to be done!)

We have heard that Archbishop Rowan is receiving huge amounts of mail from those opposed to women as bishops and to having a Code of Practice. The opponents of inclusion are still fighting and believe that they can still change or influence Synod’s decision.

Please write to the Legislative Drafting Group (who are creating the legislation to include women as Bishops in the Church of England). We should also write to Rowan as Chair of the House of Bishops making similar and related points.

We need to act quickly because the Legislative Drafting Group meets next on 14th November and the House of Bishops meets next on 12th December.

It is vital to mobilise ALL those in the Church who want to have women as bishops, and who think a Code is an acceptable way forward.

Once again, reactionary conservatives / fundamentalists have pulled out all the stops to try to shake Rowan’s confidence that going ahead is the right thing at this time and that a Code will suffice.

We need to be able to show that we speak for the vast majority of Anglicans in this country.

Some points that could be made in a letter include:

• We know that the Church is ready for and wishes to have women as bishops

• General Synod is competent to decide on having women as bishops

• General Synod in July showed some of what Synod did not want. This must not be put into the Code.

• A Code of Practice CAN work (Forward in Faith is saying it cannot work).

• There must be no separately consecrated bishops. In other words, no more ‘flying’ bishops, and those men who are currently flying bishops should be invited to become ‘proper’ assistant bishops, ministering to all in their area, not just to those who oppose women’s ordained ministries.

• Most of all, we must act in faith based on what we believe about what baptism in Christ means for all people, our mission imperative (over the past 2000 years women have been excluded from different types of ministry because of how it would affect the mission of the Church in the context of the surrounding culture. We need to be asking, what will help our mission now?), and trusting in where God has led us so far.

If you write nothing else, please reassure Rowan that there are many thousands of people in the Church who long to have women as bishops and who see this as God’s guidance and direction for the Church. He needs to be supported in his position as Archbishop of Canterbury and encouraged that the vast majority of the Church are behind him and the bishops in moving forward with consecrating women.

Letters to the Legislative Drafting Group should be sent to: The Rt Revd Nigel McCulloch, Bishopscourt, Bury New Road, Manchester, M7 4LE

Letters to the House of Bishops should be sent to: Jonathan Neil-Smith, Secretary to the House of Bishops, Church House, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3NZ

With thanks to Christina Rees (Chair of WATCH)


Canada: update on blessings

Some developments since the previous report.

Montreal Gazette City’s top Anglican stands behind gay unions

Anglican Journal Diocese of Niagara bishop calls for rite for same-sex blessing


more comment from a Pittsburgh spokesman

The following report appeared in a Canadian newspaper, the National Post. The article was titled Breakaway Anglicans to form own body.

Dissident Anglican churches in Canada and the United States say they will form a new conservative jurisdiction in the next year, adding that the Archbishop of Canterbury has lost the moral authority to have any real say in blocking the radical move.

Parishes that have left their national churches over the issue of same-sex marriage and a general trend toward liberalism want to create a single “province” that would report to a conservative North American bishop who shares their values.

“I believe the next year will be critical,” said Rev. Peter Frank, a spokesman for the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, which voted last month to leave the U.S. Episcopal Church. “The first proposals will be formed in the very near term, in a matter of weeks, frankly.”

Mr. Frank said that any opposition from Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, will be moot because the spiritual head of Anglicanism has lost his moral authority.

“Frankly, [he] is not in a position to do anything. At this point, the leaders of a majority of the world’s Anglicans are going to recognize us when we [separate].”

But he added it would make it more difficult if Mr. Williams did not give his blessing.


Fort Worth prepares

Updated Thursday morning

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports: Fort Worth diocese will vote on breaking away from Episcopal Church.

Meanwhile, some of those intending to remain in The Episcopal Church had an event titled The Once and Future Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth — Dealing with the present, planning for the future. Read about it in this blog article by Katie Sherrod.

And the Steering Committee of North Texas Episcopalians has prepared a range of materials for parishes to use after the vote.

Thursday morning update

There is an interview with the Bishop of Fort Worth, which contains much useful information, at Stand Firm see Stand Firm Interviews: Bishop Jack Iker by Greg Griffith.


opinion columns collected

In The Times Michael Smith writes that The crisis of confidence ignites a crisis of conscience.

In the Guardian Ian Bradley writes about TV talent shows in Face to faith.

At Comment is free Stephen Bates writes on How the faithful voted.

Gregory Chisholm at Thinking Faith explains What scares me about Obama (h/t Simon Barrow).

Giles Fraser writes in the Church Times about Defending the Church by living out the gospel.

Christopher Howse writes in the Telegraph about Dame Felicitas’s handwarmer sold by nuns.


Quincy votes to depart

Updated again Thursday morning

The Diocese of Quincy has voted to depart from The Episcopal Church and (separately) has voted to affiliate with the Province of the Southern Cone.

The Living Church has the details at Quincy Synod Votes to Join the Southern Cone.

Update Friday evening Episcopal News Service has a bulletin at Quincy members vote to leave Episcopal Church, align with Southern Cone.

Update Saturday evening

Episcopal News Service has this further very detailed report by Joe Bjordal Presiding Bishop says church laments Quincy departures.

Update Sunday morning

The Peoria Journal-Star has Episcopal diocese leaving national church by Erin Wood.

The Associated Press has 3rd Episcopal diocese splits from national church by Rachel Zoll.

Update Tuesday morning

Quad-City Times Episcopal Church split might turn into conflict over property by Deirdre Cox Baker

Update Thursday morning

There is a further report in the Living Church Quincy Promises ‘Christian Charity’ for Remaining Episcopalians.


still more about that London church service

Further to the recent announcement reported here, today Martin Dudley has a letter to the editor published in the Church Times. The original is subscriber-only at present, but it has nevertheless been reproduced in full by other websites and so can be read here, and is further copied here.

Martin Beckford has written about it on his Telegraph blog under the title Gay wedding: Dudley insists there was no apology and no frank discussions.

Martin Dudley was also nominated for the Stonewall Hero of the Year, but didn’t win. He did however get his picture taken with the winner.


news from Pittsburgh

Updated again Sunday morning

The Southern Cone-affiliated Diocese of Pittsburgh held a convention today, and the former Bishop of Pittsburgh Robert Duncan was elected as its bishop.

See this press release, Diocese Re-Elects Bishop Robert Duncan.

See also this earlier item Bishop Robert Duncan’s Vision for the Diocese.

Addition More detail about this event can be found here. It includes this:

Given the asides that had been dropped throughout these presentations, Bishop Duncan at one point took the stand to address the question of a new province. It was “very near” he said, and recognition might come as early as December. Certainly, it is hoped that a draft constitution will be presented at the December meeting of the Common Cause Partnership.

Meanwhile, the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh which is part of The Episcopal Church in the USA has announced a Special Convention to occur on 13 December.

See several announcements, about the location, about the certification of deputies, and about nominations.

Saturday evening update

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has a report by Ann Rodgers Duncan elected bishop of breakaway Episcopalians. In this article she refers to the breakaways as Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh (Anglican).

Lionel Deimel has written further about various issues of terminology, at The Anglican Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

Sunday morning update

Episcopal News Service has a report by Matthew Davies and Mary Frances Schjonberg headed Deposed Pittsburgh bishop elected to lead former Episcopalians, realigned diocese.

The Post-Gazette has a further story, Episcopal bishop Duncan stressing ministry.


CAPA meeting report

A statement from the meeting held in September in Nairobi has now been published on Global South Anglican.


We met as Primates of Africa together with the Standing Committee of CAPA at the ACK Guest House on the 3rd and 4th of September 2008. This meeting provided the opportunity to reflect on our journey since our last Council Meeting in Mauritius in October 2007 and also on our experiences of life in the Anglican Communion; particularly in relation to the two great events of Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and the Lambeth Conference.

We felt a deep sense of warmth and fellowship with each other and expressed gratitude to God for his faithfulness. We were however saddened by the absence of our colleagues namely Archbishop Ian Ernest our Chairman who was ill; Archbishops Peter Akinola and Mouneer Anis, who had difficulties with flight connections. We were glad to welcome Bishop Jo Seoka, who represented Archbishop Thabo Makgoba. We welcomed Rev Canon Grace Kaiso our new General Secretary and his Commissioning at All Saints Cathedral was one of the highlights our meeting…


Obama and Robinson

Updated Friday evening

Ruth Gledhill has a report in The Times headlined Barack Obama asked gay bishop Gene Robinson what it was like to be ‘first’.

Bishop Robinson, in London as a guest of the gay rights group Stonewall for its annual “Hero of the Year” awards dinner at the Victoria and Albert Museum tonight, said that Mr Obama’s campaign team had sought him last year and he had the “honour” of three private conversations with the future president of the United States last May and June.

“The first words out of his mouth were: ‘Well you’re certainly causing a lot of trouble’, My response to him was: ‘Well that makes two of us’.”

There is a transcript of this interview, together with audio recordings, on her blog, under the heading Obama and the Gay Bishop: ‘Three Private Meetings’.

Friday evening update

The Hero of the Year Award was in fact awarded to Bishop Robinson. This award is based on the votes of Stonewall supporters, as is the annual Bigot of the Year Award, which last year was also won by an Anglican bishop.

See Stonewall press release here:

Hero of the Year chosen by Stonewall supporters – Rt Revd Gene Robinson. Openly gay Bishop of New Hampshire. Has bravely endured sustained personal attacks in recent months, as church debate on homosexuality has intensified. Recently barred from Lambeth conference.


Is the US still 'one nation under God'?

This is the question now being asked at Comment is free Belief:

Is the US still ‘one nation under God’?
After the election, will America still be one nation? And will it still believe that it shelters under God’s providence?

Judith Maltby responds from Urbana, Illinois that The vision survives in surprising places.
In Muslim America and in Episcopalian churches, it’s an ideal that still has has traction

The Farmers’ Market in Urbana, Illinois on the Saturday morning before the US election seemed a good place to get some views on this question. Among the stalls groaning with more types of squashes than I knew existed, was the Champaign County Democrats table. It was being staffed by Al Kurtz, a Democrat on the county board. What did he think? He was upbeat. (I would have, just to be clear, put this question to the local Republicans, but they weren’t at the Farmers’ Market – Illinois’ electoral college votes are about as safe as they can be in Senator Obama’s bag.)

Earlier responses:

Neither one nation, nor under God by Harriet Baber
In 2008, American religion is inextricably linked to social conservatism and the political right

One nation under secularism by George Neumayr
If America is still one nation, that is because no one who might be elected to public office takes religion as seriously as its founders did